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Ramzi Theory

This Method is more for fun!

for ultrasounds between 6-10 weeks

Many expectant mothers undergo ultrasound scans starting from around 6 weeks for various reasons. During this time, 6-10 weeks you can utilize the "Ramzi Theory" based on the positioning of the placenta (not the side the baby or yolk sac is on).


You may have come across the Ramzi theory on forums and groups, leading you to believe that it is a highly reliable method for determining your baby's gender. However, when working with still images, it's not as straightforward, and the accuracy is definitely compromised.


During a scan, there is an indicator on the probe that determines the orientation on the screen. Depending on the probe's position, the right side of the screen represents the patient's right to left or head to toe.


So, if the placenta is on the left side of the ultrasound (your maternal right), it suggests a boy, while a placenta on the right side (your maternal left) indicates a girl. It's important to note that many people attempt to use the Ramzi Theory without understanding the basics of how ultrasound works or the concept of left and right, top or bottom.


Now, here's something to consider – left and right are reversed in an ultrasound image, which can be confusing for the average person. So, to help you navigate, here's a simple clarification of left and right in an ultrasound image:


Why not give the Ramzi Theory a try yourself? And as a bonus, you'll receive a coupon code for when you have your 12+ week ultrasound to test our incredibly accurate Nub Theory!


If you're interested, you can obtain a Ramzi Reading today! During the reading, I will carefully examine the surrounding anatomy on your scan (if visible) to determine the orientation. I'll draw everything out and label it, showing you the location where the placenta has started to form, as well as any other observable pregnancy details like the fetal pole and yolk sac.

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No prediction is 100% until birth, but we strive in our personal accuracy with years of experience,

The information provided in your readings is The Nub Whisperer's content and opinion! We are not giving medical advice 

Current accuracy for Nub theory drawings are updated each month

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